Please be aware that the northern half of Vermont was affected by major flooding. Roads to trailheads may not be open for the weekend, turn around if you encounter closed roads.

A group walks away along a trail in the autumn
Nature Groupie

Where to Begin: Introducing Trail Talk

November 23, 2020 Claire Polfus
Using Trail Finder

2020 has been busy here at Trail Finder!

In February we launched our new website platform. In the spring, when the COVID pandemic reduced travel, encouraged people to recreate locally, and forced the closure of trails, we added extra functionality for trail managers to share information about trail closures AND our usage rates skyrocketed to record levels. 


In the summer we launched Trailside Services to connect trail users to local businesses and support our local economies. Meanwhile, we added over 100 new trails to the platform with the partnership of trail managers across Vermont and New Hampshire. 

Scott's Trail at Prouty Beach.
Scott's Trail at Prouty Beach.


Even with all the information we have added to the site, it can be hard to choose which trail to visit. Will it be too crowded for comfort? What should I do to prepare for different activities to stay as safe as possible while getting outside? Where can I find trails that aren't so crowded? What issues are trail managers facing during this time and how can I help?

These are great questions and they aren't all easily answered on trail pages.

That's why we added Trail Talk!


Photo credit: Emily Finnegan
Photo credit: Emily Finnegan

The Trail Talk portal will feature pages that take an in-depth look into many of the issues facing trails today including:

  • A series on how to #recreateresponsibly during the COVID pandemic
  • Recommendations for trails to explore beyond the most popular destinations
  • Information about the challenges faced by both trail users and trail managers

And more!

Explore the current postings and check back for more in the weeks to come. 

As always, let us know what you want to learn by contacting us.

Happy TRails!

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