Please be aware that the northern half of Vermont was affected by major flooding. Roads to trailheads may not be open for the weekend, turn around if you encounter closed roads.

Emily Finnegan


Trail Ethics

Public access trails are just that -- Public. Always remember that you are sharing the trail with everyone who walked, hiked, rode, or paddled it before you and everyone who will walk, hike, ride or paddle it after you. Please follow the trail ethics listed below to make sure everyone can continue to enjoy the outdoors in Vermont and New Hampshire. 

 Vermont Trail Ethics Details and Sign

Trail Stewardship

Trails don't just appear in the forest -- they take work! And a lot of that work comes from volunteers. 

If you are interested in volunteering to help maintain and build trails, contact the trail manager listed on the bottom of each trail posting. Trail managers will let you know where to sign up for trail work trips or how adopt trail sections. Nature Groupie also lists volunteer opportunities across the region. Always remember to check in with managers before doing any maintenance!

Many trails listed in Trail Finder are located on private property. Access is only possible thanks to the generosity of landowners. Please respect all posted guidelines, stay on trails, and respect other users. Do your part to ensure that the trails will continue to be open into the future!



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