From the trailhead the trail ascends a narrow path through the woods, then utilizes a pipeline clearing for 0.1 mile before the Pine Mountain Trail heads back into the woods along an old road. After departing from the road, the trail reaches a small ridge then descends to a swampy saddle before heading up the northwest slope of Pine Mountain. At 2.3 miles, there is a sign for Chapel Rock, with a spur trail leading to excellent views from this rocky pinnacle, as well as leading to the Horton Center worship area. Please feel free to enjoy the views at Chapel Rock, but pass by the area if there are any religious activities in progress.
At the four-way junction just past the Chapel Rock spur trail, where the yellow-blazed Pine Mountain Loop heads straight, please refrain from using the private road to the Horton Center to the right. The Pine Mountain trail heads to the left here, and continues on an old tractor road (also indicated as the Pinkham Ledge Trail) 0.3 miles to the summit of Pine Mountain (elevation 2,410 feet), 2.7 miles from the trailhead. The summit is viewless, but there are three spur trails to eastern overlooks in the final 0.3 miles. The Ledge Trail descends from the summit 0.1 straight ahead to the mountain's south cliffs providing excellent views as well.
Before you hike, know the hiker responsibility code and be prepared:
Visit the hikeSafe website to learn more!
The Pine Mountain Trail is managed by the White Mountains National Forest, and travels across land owned by the Horton Center. For more information please contact:
Horton CenterHead west on Promenade Street from NH-16 in Gorham (a quarter mile south of the NH-16 US-2 junction). Go 0.7 miles, passing a cemetery and continuing when the road turns to gravel, to the edge of a gravel pit. Cars may be parked on the left here, where the trailhead is located, just before a fork in the road.
Please note: this parking area is not plowed in winter.
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