The Distant Hill Network of Trails is made up the following trails, all readily accessed from the trailhead at 66 March Hill Road in Alstead, NH :
1. Distant Hill Nature Trail - A mile-long, six-foot wide, compacted gravel wheelchair and stroller accessible trail.
2. Distant Hill Geology Trail - A mile-long hiking trail containing ten stops with interpretive signs about the rock outcrop present at each location.
3. Distant Hill Story Book Trail - A quarter-mile section of the Nature Trail, where laminated pages of a new children's book are posted along the trail on the first of every month.
4. Lost Acre Loop Trail - A three-quarter mile hiking trail through the woods that comes out onto a beautiful field midway on the loop.
5. Chickering Mine Trail - aka Blue Diamond Trail, a three-quarter mile hiking trail that connects Distant Hill Geology Trail with an abandoned feldspar mine at Hoge Base Scout Camp.
The trails all wind through mixed hemlock/hardwood forests rich with many species of native wildflowers, shrubs, and trees. There is easy access to a number of unique wetland habitats including:
All of Distant Hill network of trails are open daily, dawn to dusk.
To the west of Distant Hill Nature Trail is Distant Hill Gardens, an acre of ornamental shrub gardens to explore. The gardens are open to the public on the first and third weekend of the month, May through October.
For dozens of photos of the trail and links to related photos and information go to the Distant Hill Gardens Flickr album.
For more information visit the Distant Hill Gardens & Nature Trail website, or contact:
Distant Hill Gardens & Nature TrailDistant Hill Nature Trail is located at 66 March Hill Road in Alstead, NH, just east of the Alstead/Walpole town line. There is a small parking area with an information kiosk just off the pavement. The nature trail is wheelchair and stroller accessible, as is the first half-mile of the mile long geology trail.
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