Williams Woods Natural Area

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63-acre natural area that includes a stand of mature valley clayplain forest, with 200+ year old oak trees.
Trail Activity
Hiking Snowshoeing
1.20 miles, Loop
Charlotte (VT)
Packed Earth/Dirt, Boardwalk/Bog Bridging
Not Permitted


From the parking area, follow the yellow trail markers across two low bridges to the 1-mile loop trail in the heart of the preserve. 

Other Information

Williams Woods may be the best remaining mature valley clayplain forest in the Champlain Valley. This forest type is composed of white oak, red oak, red maple, white pine, shagbark hickory and white ash. Associated species include hemlock, sugar maple, beech and bur oak. Although this forest type once covered thousands of acres in the Champlain Valley, woodlands like these are now rare.

Recently we named the 1-mile trail at William Woods the "Hamilton Trail," after our long serving trustee, Dr. Lawrence S. Hamilton, who passed in the fall of 2016. His contributions to the conservation arena are too many to list but his impact as a professor, writer, nature advocate, community member and friend made an indelible impact both locally and globally. 

Trail Manager

Visit Town of Charlotte or The Nature Conservancy in Vermont online for more information or contact Lynn McNamara, Critical Lands Manager for Northern VT:

Charlotte Trails Committee
P.O. Box 119
Charlotte, VT 05445
View website
The Nature Conservancy: Montpelier Office
Lynn McNamara
575 Stone Cutters Way
Montpelier, VT 05602
View website

Trail Tips

Plan Ahead and Prepare
Find out about and follow any local regulations and respect landowners’ property.

Trailhead Information

5754 Greenbush Rd, Charlotte, VT

From Route 7 south, turn right at the stop light in Charlotte at Ferry Road, which is also called F-5. Drive 0.3 mile to the stop sign. Turn left onto Greenbush Road. Drive two miles then turn left to stay on Greenbush Road.   Be careful at this intersection. (If you come to a railroad crossing, you’ve mistakenly turned off onto Thomsons Point Road.) Travel approximately one mile further on Greenbush until you come to a green Williams Woods sign and the parking area on the right.

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